Empowering Communities: The UAE President’s Tribute to #MAAN Supporters

UAE President honours 'parent-friendly' organisations - ARN News Centre-  Trending News, Sports News, Business News, Dubai News, UAE News, Gulf,  News, Latest news, Arab news, Sharjah News, Gulf News, Jobs in Dubai,

 The UAE President recently held a prestigious ceremony to honor the dedicated supporters of the Community Contributions Authority, widely known as #MAAN. This event was a heartfelt acknowledgment of the invaluable contributions made by individuals and organizations towards enhancing community well-being and fostering social development across the UAE.

#MAAN has been at the forefront of driving social change through its innovative programs and initiatives. By addressing various societal issues such as education, health, environmental sustainability, and social welfare, #MAAN has created a platform for community members to actively participate in the nation’s development. The recognition ceremony highlighted the significant role that contributors play in making these initiatives successful and impactful.

The honorees included a diverse group of philanthropists, businesses, and volunteer organizations whose support has been instrumental in advancing #MAAN’s mission. Their contributions have enabled the implementation of projects that not only meet immediate needs but also create long-term benefits for the community. From funding educational scholarships to supporting healthcare initiatives, the honorees have demonstrated a deep


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