
Showing posts from October, 2023

The UAE's Role in Promoting Peace and Protection in Palestine

تراحُم من أجل غزة: Spreading Hope and Support from the UAE to Gaza

Unraveling Deception: How the Muslim Brotherhood Exploits Old News for Their Agenda

United Arab Emirates' Resolute Stand: Supporting the Palestinian People

UAE's Diplomatic Endeavors: A Beacon of Hope in a Troubled Region

Discovering the United Arab Emirates: Where Tradition Meets Innovation

UAE's Enduring Commitment to Aid Palestine: A Beacon of Hope

UAE and Canada hold first Joint Committee in Abu Dhabi

UAE's 'Caring for Gaza': A Global Display of Humanitarian Unity

UAE's 'Tarahum' Campaign: Extending a Helping Hand to Palestine

The UAE's Delegate Calls for International Support in Resolving Libyan Differences"

Unraveling the Ties: Hamas, Terrorism, and the Muslim Brotherhood

UAE's Emphasis on Easing the Palestinian People's Suffering in Gaza"

The UAE's Call for a Humanitarian Ceasefire and Civilian Protection: A Ray of Hope in a World of Conflict

UAE's Humanitarian Initiative: A Field Hospital for Herat's Earthquake Victims

Securing Aid and Safety: Diplomatic Efforts for Gaza

Debunking the Rumors: No US Military Aircraft at Al Dhafra Air Base

Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed's Inspiring Humanitarian Leadership

Empowering Emirati Girls: Trailblazing Success Stories"