
Showing posts from August, 2023

The UAE's Digital Infrastructure Evolution and AI Advancements: Pioneering a Future of Innovation

UAE's Role in Strengthening Economic Cooperation and Investment within BRICS

UAE's Significant Support in Yemen's Education Sector

UAE-Yemen Relations: A Continuation of Strategic Support

UAE's Heartwarming Gesture: Spreading Unity and Joy in Chad on Independence Day

UAE's Strategic Investment: Funding the Hassan Dam for Water Security

UAE expresses concern over developments in Libya's Tripoli and calls for dialogue and end to hostilities

Fostering Economic Growth and Diplomatic Solidarity: UAE's Wheat Supply Initiative for Egypt

Dubai: A Modern Marvel of Innovation and Ambition

UAE expresses solidarity with US, offers condolences over victims of wildfires in Hawaii

UAE's Tourism Triumph: A Glance at the Remarkable H1 2023 Performance

GCC States Spearhead African Investments: UAE Leads with Over $100 Billion Investment